dessardo, sculptor
dessardo, sculptor
Altas Collectif 2
 (Anderlecht, Belgique
 - 2024
) Waterloo Landscape
 (Waterloo, Belgique
 - 2023
) Cabaner (Seneffe, Belgique - 2022) Sula (Migennes, France - 2021) Plans Anti-Dérive (Bruxelles, Belgium - 2020) Basiluzzo (Béthisy-Saint-Martin, France - 2020) PunkTerhi390 (Korpoo, Finland - 2019) Kazan Maru (Oshima, Japan - 2018) (Project) Garboatage (AARK Korpoo Studio, Finland - 2019) Tasu (Béthisy-Saint-Martin, France - 2017/2018) Escaper (Seneffe, Belgium - 2017) Courage, Fuyons! (Brussels, Belgium - 2016) Éloge de la Fuite (1F Rue des Renards, Brussels, Belgium - 2016) Lento (Korpoo Island, Finland - 2016) Eolo (Béthisy-Saint-Martin, France - 2016) Fuga (Béthisy-Saint-Martin, France - 2016) Onda (Béthisy-Saint-Martin, France - 2016) Loudspeakers (Tsukuba, Japan - 2015) Prosthesis (Abiko, Chiba, Japan - 2014) Copy (Neustadt an der Donau, Germany - 2014) Poulailler (Nannay, France - 2013) Breathing (East Haddam, USA - 2013) Gargouilles (Creysse, France - 2013) Installation (Wattwiller, France - 2013) Local (Brussels, Belgium - 2012) Proto-Gonzo (East Haddam, USA - 2011) Dix Goulottes (Tuilières, France - 2011) Zone (Gartow, Germany - 2011) Junk Trail (Connecticut, USA - 2010) Local People Do (Friesland, The Netherlands - 2010) Wheelbridge (Connecticut, USA - 2009) Waterfall (Connecticut, USA - 2009) Erddach (Lehnin, Germany - 2008) Waterloop (Flevoland, The Netherlands - 2008) Camouflage (Camargue, France - 2008) Stylite (Connecticut, USA - 2007) Exodus (Ludwigshafen, Germany - 2007) Wasserstand (Ingolstadt, Germany - 2007) Wall (Comines, Belgium - 2006) Network (Kongju, Korea - 2006) Belgian Flags (Brussels, Belgium - 2006) Penta & Stone (Busan, Korea - 2004) Mul Gil (Kongju, Korea - 2004) Aqueduc (Gesves, Belgium - 2004) Pän tà (Shanghai, China - 2003) Parasísmicas (Putaendo, Chile - 2003) Cortejo (Putaendo, Chile - 2002) Teapot
 (Céroux-Mousty, Belgium
 - 2024
) Pot
 (Barrigsen, Germany
 - 2023
) Anticiclónica (Las Malaguetas, Dominican Rep. - 2000) Jetable (Wissant, France - 1998)
Local People Do  (Friesland, The Netherlands - 2010)  35 m, earth, water

Out Of Space. A lively public debate is presently taking place in the Netherlands about pressure on public space. The land area of the Netherlands is small compared to its population (17 million people). This is why there is a lot of pressure on available open space.
What can a sculptor do to create space? He will try to sculpt the land, to create waves. He will come with a shovel and will try to dig up new space. Making a hole, he gets a mountain of earth; he creates an empty space and a new volume. By removing the flatness, he obtains more surface. An "S" has more surface then an "I". Along a line, he gets a trench and a dam. There are many of them around in the Netherlands: channels and dams. With the dam, he makes a limit, a border between two spaces. Now there are two spaces and a limit, and the limit is a form. He has reinterpreted existing local solutions.

Evolution of the artwork (first photo by Birgit Speulman):
detail by Birgit Speulman evolution

Local People Do   (Friesland, The Netherlands - 2010)
35 m, earth, water