dessardo, sculptor
dessardo, sculptor
Altas Collectif 2
 (Anderlecht, Belgique
 - 2024
) Waterloo Landscape
 (Waterloo, Belgique
 - 2023
) Cabaner (Seneffe, Belgique - 2022) Sula (Migennes, France - 2021) Plans Anti-Dérive (Bruxelles, Belgium - 2020) Basiluzzo (Béthisy-Saint-Martin, France - 2020) PunkTerhi390 (Korpoo, Finland - 2019) Kazan Maru (Oshima, Japan - 2018) (Project) Garboatage (AARK Korpoo Studio, Finland - 2019) Tasu (Béthisy-Saint-Martin, France - 2017/2018) Escaper (Seneffe, Belgium - 2017) Courage, Fuyons! (Brussels, Belgium - 2016) Éloge de la Fuite (1F Rue des Renards, Brussels, Belgium - 2016) Lento (Korpoo Island, Finland - 2016) Eolo (Béthisy-Saint-Martin, France - 2016) Fuga (Béthisy-Saint-Martin, France - 2016) Onda (Béthisy-Saint-Martin, France - 2016) Loudspeakers (Tsukuba, Japan - 2015) Prosthesis (Abiko, Chiba, Japan - 2014) Copy (Neustadt an der Donau, Germany - 2014) Poulailler (Nannay, France - 2013) Breathing (East Haddam, USA - 2013) Gargouilles (Creysse, France - 2013) Installation (Wattwiller, France - 2013) Local (Brussels, Belgium - 2012) Proto-Gonzo (East Haddam, USA - 2011) Dix Goulottes (Tuilières, France - 2011) Zone (Gartow, Germany - 2011) Junk Trail (Connecticut, USA - 2010) Local People Do (Friesland, The Netherlands - 2010) Wheelbridge (Connecticut, USA - 2009) Waterfall (Connecticut, USA - 2009) Erddach (Lehnin, Germany - 2008) Waterloop (Flevoland, The Netherlands - 2008) Camouflage (Camargue, France - 2008) Stylite (Connecticut, USA - 2007) Exodus (Ludwigshafen, Germany - 2007) Wasserstand (Ingolstadt, Germany - 2007) Wall (Comines, Belgium - 2006) Network (Kongju, Korea - 2006) Belgian Flags (Brussels, Belgium - 2006) Penta & Stone (Busan, Korea - 2004) Mul Gil (Kongju, Korea - 2004) Aqueduc (Gesves, Belgium - 2004) Pän tà (Shanghai, China - 2003) Parasísmicas (Putaendo, Chile - 2003) Cortejo (Putaendo, Chile - 2002) Teapot
 (Céroux-Mousty, Belgium
 - 2024
) Pot
 (Barrigsen, Germany
 - 2023
) Anticiclónica (Las Malaguetas, Dominican Rep. - 2000) Jetable (Wissant, France - 1998)
Zone  (Gartow, Germany - 2011)  100 x 25 x 4 m, four screens, two computers, electric fences

In the aftermath of the nuclear reactor accident in Block 4 of the Chernobyl nuclear power station, the whole population was forced to flee the area designated as the Zone, leaving behind an empty and desolate land. Today it has almost entirely been forgotten that this land originally possessed a rich cultural heritage. Chernobyl was once a flourishing town in the heart of the Polesia region, where a unique rural culture, unparalleled elsewhere in Europe, had been preserved in this flat land of great forests, rivers and lakes. Even after the reactor disaster, Ukrainian scientists continued to remove valuable cultural treasures from the Zone and these are now stored in repositories in Chernobyl, Ivankiv and Kiev.
The exhibition is dedicated to the culture of Chernobyl and its destruction. An exhibition at the Westwendischer Kunstverein of the name signs that had once marked the boundaries of the places which were bulldozed away after the MCA (maximum credible accident).

At the exhibition’s entrance, installation of a checkpoint device with four screens, connected to an exclusion zone (sperrzone) with electric fences.

Drawings of the project:

project project

Zone   (Gartow, Germany - 2011)
100 x 25 x 4 m, four screens, two computers, electric fences